Eight out of nine Americans drive to work unhappy every day, but they keep doing it. Why? Well, one of the most common fears people have about striking out on their own is, “What about the transition time?” That’s understandable. As an employee, it’s easy to trust in the illusion of a steady paycheck (until there is a tightening of the belt or restructure). Fortunately, at TruBlue, we have the systems in place to keep this transition period short, and quickly reaching the phase where you are bringing in revenue. Those steps are:
- Helping you pick a territory ripe for the TruBlue System
- Creating your website
- Making sure come launch time, your community hears loud and clear that your ready to serve them.
Curious how about the details? We thought you might be.
Picking a Great Territory
Using the latest demographics and research available, your Franchise Director will help craft a custom, protected territory that is ripe for your business model. With several years of experience, we know where our clients (seniors and busy families) are, their behaviors, and, of course, their location. Of course, you get to pick the general area your TruBlue business will be in, but we’ll help make sure you get a territory filled with literally hundreds of thousands of prospective customers. No hunches. No dart-throwing. A scientifically informed carving of the best places your town has to offer to minimize the gap between opening and receiving your first paying clients.
Building Your Website
We’re sure the service you offer will lead to thousands in free advertising through referrals and reviews quickly. But, obviously when you first open, those aren’t an option. But where do most people go to look for house care services? Like you, they type in that search bar. We’ll make sure that you have a professional, beautiful site ready to go when you are. Even more importantly, we also make sure they can find that site. Learn how to market on Google AdWords (PPC), Social Media, and other digital platforms to drive people to your site in a cost-effective manner. We make sure the customers are finding you, not the other way around.
Launch Promotion
Finally, we break out one huge megaphone once it’s time to open your business! In addition to digital marketing platforms we just discussed, we’ll help you know find the right people (newspapers, local magazines, etc.) to make sure all everyone not living under a rock hears about your new business. And when people start doing research? Well, that’s when the strength of a national franchise becomes apparent. A national PR firm will have released an announcement, you’ll be on our national site with other great franchisees proving this is a reputable company with a great reputation, and so much more. By the time they’ve finished digesting all the information, there won’t be anything left to do but pick up the phone and call you.
Why Wait?
With all of these things in place, there is no need for a long transition as a TruBlue Total House Care franchisee. But if you keep waiting, who knows when you’ll be completely enjoying the benefits of owning your own company. Don’t stall any longer. Contact us today!